The Dr. López Alfaro is a stomatologist working as a doctor continuously since 1987. He specialized in the most important branches of Orthodontics, including: oral surgery, dental implants, orthodontics, dental prosthesis, dental aesthetics, and periodontics. In addition, the doctor has spent years training himself by attending to courses, seminars and conferences.
Thanks to his professional training and experience, the doctor uses completely novel methods such as computer assisted surgery with the NobelClinician software, which permits to place implants without sutures or incisions. Others method are the immediate loading of dental implants or the prosthesis fitting over implants in 24 hours (“teeth in one day”).
The use of Nemoceph software in Cephalometric Analysis is really useful for facial deformities, especially for surgical planning when orthodontics treatments require Orthognatic Surgery to correct mandible or mental regions.
All dental laboratories we collaborate with are highly qualified with a minimum of 15 years professional experience. These dental laboratories routinely use three-dimensional (3D) scanners for designing and producing parts of prosthesis through their own computers and milling machines. They also use CAD-CAM technology.
Stomatology is a medical specialty in charge of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the mouth which includes: teeth, gums, tongue, palate, oral mucosa, salivary glands, temporomandibular joint and other anatomical structures.
We are also innovative in the use of new materials such as zirconium, white and translucent material which is more biocompatible, aesthetic and as resistant as metal. In addition, we use high resistance ceramics for producing prosthesis free of metal offering aesthetic results close to natural tooth.
During the orthodontic planning, our laboratory uses state-of-the-art systems like NemoCeph Studio software. Besides, we work with low friction in order to achieve faster and more physiological treatments.
In cases when serious facial deformities require Orthognatic Surgery, we form working teams where orthodontists, dental laboratory technicians and maxillofacial surgeons jointly plan each case on an individual basis.
Our laboratory collaborates with Davó Institute for analysis and surgical treatment of facial and maxillary deformities.
Aesthetic takes up a large part of our daily work. We deal with cross-disciplinary treatments where we integrate orthodontic work and Orthognatic Surgery in order to correct skeletal deformities. We use prosthesis and teeth whitening in order to achieve harmonious faces with healthy mouths and white teeth.
We enhance the smile because we are able to jointly work with teeth, bones and soft tissues. Our integrator mentality is essential for obtaining predictable results.
We have a personal and intimate treatment with our patients because we want our patients to be comfortable with us. Therefore, the assistance is individualized. We do not like overcrowding. We take all the time in the world in order to analyze, listen to and care for our patients; we treat them not like our patients, but like our friends.
We wish to be your “general practitioner dentist” and to enjoy the confidence of all your family; a friendly doctor who is approachable and understanding, someone to trust. Furthermore, we must also remember that you will always have the most progressive dental medical attention.
Our most important ambition is “TO GAIN YOUR CONFIDENCE”